RT Article T1 Two generations of Sutherland’s white-collar war crime data and beyond JF Crime, law and social change VO 51 IS 1 SP 163 OP 174 A1 Galliher, John F. 1937- A2 Guess, Teresa J. LA English YR 2009 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1881666948 AB Edwin Sutherland published his famous White Collar Crime in 1949 where he excoriated leaders of American firms for their war crimes. The names of all corporations were deleted, however, from the book by the threat of legal action. The unabridged version was published in 1983 when the Sutherland files at Indiana University were unsealed. These files can now be compared with both the 1949 and 1983 book, as well as with other evidence of corporate war crimes during World War II. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 173-174 K1 Corporate Crime K1 General Motor K1 National Labor Relation Board K1 Primary Stockholder K1 Unfair Labor Practice DO 10.1007/s10611-008-9142-4