RT Article T1 Toward a classification of animal maltreatment JF Animal abuse and interpersonal violence SP 64 OP 74 A1 Felthous, Alan R. A2 Hirsch, Melissa A. LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1879055910 AB Animal maltreatment includes but is a more encompassing and less stigmatizing term than animal abuse and animal cruelty . Included are any types of maltreatment, including sexual abuse and extreme neglect that unnecessarily harms animals, typically vertebrates, in a manner that would be considered unacceptable by the larger society, and would therefore be considered deviant or anomalous, even possibly psychopathological. In our attempt to classify animal maltreatment, we consider those types or patterns of maltreatment that are sufficiently defined and distinct from one another and that are convincingly described in the scientific literature. Having searched the literature, we identified the following behaviors as sufficiently characterized to be included in this preliminary classification: psychotic animal killing, substantial animal cruelty in childhood, sexual maltreatment of animals, partner and pet animal abuse, and animal hoarding. As greater and ongoing scientific attention is devoted to animal maltreatment, undoubtedly other types of maltreatment will become identified and included. Meanwhile, we would offer this preliminary classification as a starting point. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 72-74 SN 9781119894131 DO 10.1002/9781119894131.ch6