RT Article T1 Institutionalising restorative justice for adults in Scotland: An empirical study of criminal justice practitioners’ perspectives JF Criminology & criminal justice VO 24 IS 1 SP 269 OP 290 A1 Butler, Siobhan A2 Maglione, Giuseppe A2 Buchan, Jamie LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1878566415 AB While in some European and extra-European countries the incorporation of restorative justice into policy frameworks is a dated and widely studied phenomenon, in others it is a more recent and scarcely researched process. The Scottish Government is making renewed efforts to institutionalise restorative justice including the ambitious goal of making adult restorative justice available nationwide by 2023. In this article, we analyse the consequences of these recent attempts, addressing a gap in knowledge on adult restorative justice in Scotland. We gathered views from justice professionals (n = 17), involved in organising and delivering adult restorative justice, on the implementation of the policy and the future of Scottish restorative justice. Findings show that participants support expanding restorative justice services, but are sceptical about the Scottish Government’s approach. They advocate for a coordinated but locally sensitive model of restorative justice development, to some extent challenging the stark opposition between ‘purist’ and ‘maximalist’ approaches to the expansion of restorative justice. These findings generate evidence to critically assess Scottish restorative justice policy and its implementation, while drawing implications for the development of restorative justice across Europe. K1 Scotland K1 Restorative Justice K1 Qualitative interviews K1 justice social work K1 Institutionalisation DO 10.1177/17488958221104229