RT Book T1 The prevention of crime A1 Fagan, Abigail A. A2 Elliott, Delbert S. 1933- LA English PP Hoboken, New Jersey PB Wiley Blackwell YR 2024 ED Second edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/187708784X AB "When the first edition of The Prevention of Crime was published in 2017, this was the first textbook to highlight the emergence, evaluation, and effectiveness of recent approaches to crime prevention inspired by public health and life-course developmental perspectives. Differently from any other crime prevention texts (which focus primarily on traditional crime control practices guided by deterrence, rational choice, and/or routine activities theories that seek to increase punishments), this book promoted a new approach to effectively reduce crime by focussing on the life-course of the offenders"-- NO Includes index CN HV7431 SN 9781394153350 K1 Crime Prevention K1 Kriminalität : Prävention : Kriminologie : Theorie : Kriminalstatistik : Geschichte : Lehrbuch