RT Article T1 Incarcerated Fathers and Their Children in The Netherlands: Demographic and Detention Factors That Affect the Father–Child Relationship: A Secondary Analysis JF The prison journal VO 104 IS 1 SP 110 OP 130 A1 Verhagen-Braspennincx, Angela A2 Beijers, Guillaume A2 Janssen, Janine 1968- A2 Claes, Bart LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1871801494 AB Internationally, incarcerated fathers and their children are often administratively invisible. The protective father–child relationship (FCR) is understudied. A secondary analysis was conducted to identify the number of all Dutch incarcerated legal fathers and their children; and several demographics and detention factors (e.g., prison length, offense type) were uncovered. Over 34% of incarcerated men were legal fathers, with approximately 12,000 children, mostly minors (64%), in each yearly count. Fathers differed from nonfathers by age, ethnic background, type of offense, and prison length. Follow-up research is needed to understand the interrelatedness of different demographics and detention factors and their impact on the FCR. K1 Secondary analysis K1 Detention K1 Demographic K1 father–child relationship K1 Incarceration DO 10.1177/00328855231212552