RT Book T1 Racial violence in Britain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries A2 Panayi, Panikos 1962- LA English PP Leicester u.a. PB Leicester Univ. Pr. YR 1996 ED Rev. ed. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/187122652 AB Members of every immigrant group in British history have endured attacks upon either their person or their property. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the main victims have included the Irish; the Germans during the First World War; Blacks in 1919 and 1958; Jews in 1911, 1917 and 1947; and Asians since 1945. Despite the regularity of racial attacks, this book represents a major review of the history of racial violence in Britain AB The contributors are from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and include leading authorities in the study of immigration and race, as well as younger scholars. For this revised edition, two new chapters, by Edward Pilkington and Ben Bowling, have been added, covering the period since 1950 AB Members of every immigrant group in British history have endured attacks upon either their person or their property. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the main victims have included the Irish; the Germans during the First World War; Blacks in 1919 and 1958; Jews in 1911, 1917 and 1947; and Asians since 1945. Despite the regularity of racial attacks, this book represents a major review of the history of racial violence in Britain AB The contributors are from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and include leading authorities in the study of immigration and race, as well as younger scholars. For this revised edition, two new chapters, by Edward Pilkington and Ben Bowling, have been added, covering the period since 1950 NO Includes bibliographical references (p. 216-220) and index NO Previous ed. published as: Racial violence in Britain, 1840 - 1950 CN DA125.A1 SN 071852408X SN 0718513975 K1 Racism : History : 19th century : Great Britain K1 Racism : History : 20th century : Great Britain K1 Violence : History : 19th century : Great Britain K1 Violence : History : 20th century : Great Britain K1 Minorities : Crimes against : History : Great Britain K1 Great Britain : Race relations : History : 19th century K1 Great Britain : Race relations : History : 20th century K1 Great Britain : Ethnic relations : History : 19th century K1 Great Britain : Ethnic relations : History : 20th century K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Großbritannien : Rassismus : Gewalttätigkeit : Geschichte 1840-1950 K1 Großbritannien : Minderheitenfrage : Geschichte 1840-1950