RT Article T1 The Influence of Gentrification and Murders by Youths JF Crime & delinquency VO 69 IS 12 SP 2508 OP 2530 A1 Argueta, Jaime R. A2 Liu, Lin A2 Eck, John E. LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1869155270 AB Research shows that gentrification influences crime. However, there are no quantitative studies on gentrification?s impact on juvenile offending. This paper begins to fill this gap by examining the impact of gentrification on homicides by juveniles. To do this, we use Block, Block, and Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority?s data on Chicago Homicides from 1965 through 1995. We couple these data with historical census data to create a dataset of victims killed by juveniles within gentrified and non-gentrified census tracts. We employ a pooled, longitudinal Poisson regression model. Our findings indicate that gentrification is moderately and negatively associated with people killed by juveniles. K1 Chicago K1 Gentrification K1 Homicide K1 interrupted time series K1 juvenile killings DO 10.1177/00111287211072448