RT Article T1 The Secret Nexus: a Case Study of Deviant Masons, Mafia and Corruption in Italy JF The British journal of criminology VO 63 IS 5 SP 1165 OP 1183 A1 Sergi, Anna A2 Vannucci, Alberto LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1869015401 AB This paper wishes to explore some characteristics of the relevant interconnections between mafias/mafiosi and masonic lodges/masons in the Italian context. The paper sets out to study these interconnections from a social science perspective rooted in sociological and neo-institutional studies of organised crime and mafias, but also in criminological approaches to social constructionism, in the form of symbols and narratives. We will present a case study to reflect on the roles that (deviant) masons can assume in contexts where both mafias’ and personal, political, or economic interests are at play. The case study shows how masonic alliances can augment networking and enforcing capabilities: we call this process masonic deviance amplification. Additionally, the case study confirms the constitutive power that narratives around the masonic world hold today in the Italian context. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 1181-1183 K1 Masonry K1 mafia K1 ‘ndrangheta K1 Corruption K1 Italy DO 10.1093/bjc/azac096