RT Article T1 Repertoires of Terrorism in Mexico’s Criminal War JF Perspectives on terrorism VO 16 IS 2 SP 4 OP 13 A1 Feldmann, Andreas E. A2 Lopez, Marc Anthony LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1868611752 AB Security conditions in Mexico linked to the confrontation between security forces, organized crime groups (OCGs) and self-defense groups have deteriorated due to the rise of terrorist attacks. While Mexico has a history of violence, terrorism has not been a common practice. This article provides a brief analysis of existing trends by examining the nature of terrorism in Mexico and reviewing the way in which different armed parties utilize this tactic. It argues that terrorism arises in the context of a criminal war in which state security forces, self-defense groups and different OCGs have developed specific repertoires of terrorism that fit their organizational goals and character. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 9-13 K1 Mexico K1 Terrorism K1 criminal war K1 Violence K1 Crime K1 Drugs