RT Book T1 La violencia conyugal en el Código penal de Marruecos A1 Jeddi Haoukich, Driss LA Spanish YR 2015 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1866925571 AB The new Moroccan Constitution of 2011 establishes the equality between men and women. Likewise, the Kingdom of Morocco has ratified the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and has removed the reservations it had at first. Following the reform of the Criminal Code by Law 24/03, husbands have been added as perpetrators and victims of physical abuse during marriage, leading to aggravated offenses depending upon the consequences of such abuse. This has in fact led to a strengthening of the protection of women against physical abuse in the conjugal scope because they are victims in most of the cases. This paper presents the typology of spousal violence and its legal consequences.La nueva Constitución marroquí de 2011 establece la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres. Así mismo, el Reino de Marruecos ha ratificado la Convención sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer y levantado las reservas que había hecho en un principio. Tras la reforma del Código penal por la Ley 24/03 se ha añadido a los esposos como autores y víctimas del maltrato físico durante el matrimonio dando lugar a tipos agravados según las consecuencias de ese maltrato. Esto ha supuesto de hecho un refuerzo de la protección de las mujeres frente a los malos tratos físicos en el ámbito conyugal dado que ellas son víctimas en la mayoría de los casos. En este trabajo se expone la tipología de la violencia conyugal y sus consecuencias jurídicas.The new Moroccan Constitution of 2011 establishes the equality between men and women. Likewise, the Kingdom of Morocco has ratified the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and has removed the reservations it had at first. Following the reform of the Criminal Code by Law 24/03, husbands have been added as perpetrators and victims of physical abuse during marriage, leading to aggravated offenses depending upon the consequences of such abuse. This has in fact led to a strengthening of the protection of women against physical abuse in the conjugal scope because they are victims in most of the cases. This paper presents the typology of spousal violence and its legal consequences DO 10.5944/rduned.16.2015.15266