RT Book T1 Challenges Facing Female Police Officers in Service Delivery in Kenya A1 Gaunya, Collins Reuben A2 Oruta, Evans Makori A2 Lidava, Maurine K. LA English YR 2016 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1866326120 AB The importance of effective diversity management in policing has only relatively recently been the subject of close academic scrutiny. Earlier researches largely focused on operational performance issues and matters such as the capability of female officers have continued to attract research attention. Researchers have examined the role of women in policing since the 1970s. Much of this research has focused on the abilities of police women, while other studies have focused on the unique problems that women face in this traditionally male dominated field. In particular, women as a group have historically faced opposition to their entry into the profession. Research in both the United States and Europe indicates that police forces experienced a great deal of conflict when first allowing women entry into the field. In addition, this research suggests that opposition continues to the present day, where female officers experience resistance from both male officers and some sections of the public. The resistance manifests itself in sexual harassment, gender discrimination in assignments and promotion, and a general lack of concern for integrating women into police departments. Research on issues concerning equal employment opportunities, sexual harassment, deployment and bullying has only come to the fore in more recent years. This leaves unanswered questions about the relative impact of various issues affecting women police officers in Kenya generally, hence the need for this study. Keywords: Challenges, Women Police Officers, Service Deliver