RT Book T1 Differential Perception And Adolescent Drinking In The United States: Preliminary Considerations A1 Harms, John B. A2 Wolk, James L. LA English YR 1990 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1866325019 AB This paper addresses adolescent drinking from a perspective very similar to Sutherland's differential association theory. Drinking occurs when positive perceptions of drinking outweigh or outnumber negative ones. Our research focuses on images of drinking communicated by rationalized sources organized specifically to shape perceptions of drinking. We call these organizations agencies and assess their impact on perceptions of drinking. It is our contention that the political economic context of the United States in which these agencies function is such that positive images of drinking outnumber and outweigh negative ones, and that this is an important factor contributing to adolescent drinking