RT Article T1 Semi-Supervised Learning for Detecting Human Trafficking JF Security informatics A1 Alvari, Hamidreza A2 Snyder, J. E. Kelly A2 Shakarian, Paulo LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1866305220 AB Human trafficking is one of the most atrocious crimes and among the challenging problems facing law enforcement which demands attention of global magnitude. In this study, we leverage textual data from the website "Backpage"- used for classified advertisement- to discern potential patterns of human trafficking activities which manifest online and identify advertisements of high interest to law enforcement. Due to the lack of ground truth, we rely on a human analyst from law enforcement, for hand-labeling a small portion of the crawled data. We extend the existing Laplacian SVM and present S3VM-R, by adding a regularization term to exploit exogenous information embedded in our feature space in favor of the task at hand. We train the proposed method using labeled and unlabeled data and evaluate it on a fraction of the unlabeled data, herein referred to as unseen data, with our expert's further verification. Results from comparisons between our method and other semi-supervised and supervised approaches on the labeled data demonstrate that our learner is effective in identifying advertisements of high interest to law enforcemen K1 Research DO 10.1186/s13388-017-0029-8