RT Book T1 Limitations of women's freedoms: a comparison study between two societies A1 Johnson, Ruth Ann LA English YR 1996 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1866156330 AB There were two objectives for this research. The first objective was to look specifically at the differences of expression of safety behaviors between men and women in Scotland. The second objective was to compare experiences and perceptions of freedom of movement by women in the US with those of women in Scotland. Both studies used the Public Behaviors Questionnaire (PBQ) as an assessment tool;First, a comparative study was done with women and men in Scotland to determine if women experience and perceive the same freedom of movement in Scottish society that men do, in relation to nonacademic activities, transportation, safety behaviors, and perceived freedom of movement. A statistically significant difference at the.01 confidence level was found on 35 of 50 items tested (70%);Second, a comparative study was done to determine if women from the US and women from Scotland experience and perceive the same freedom of movement in relation to nonacademic activities, transportation, safety behaviors, and perceived freedom of movement. A statistically significant difference at the.01 confidence level was found on a majority of the items. Each group demonstrated significance for fear related behaviors on different items