Summary: | Includes bibliographical references.Adolescents are at risk for antisocial behaviour as well as for sustaining traumatic brain injuries (TBI; Moffitt, 1993; Williams, Cordan, Mewse, Tonks & Burgess, 2010). International literature has long made known the explicit link that exists between TBI and delinquent behavior (Eslinger, Flaherty-Craig, & Benton, 2004; S. Anderson, Bechara, Damasio, Tranel, & Damasio, 1999). The onset of antisocial behaviour post-TBI may not be surprising given the vulnerability of the frontal lobes in sustaining such an injury. Considering the strong overlap between the behaviour of offenders and the behavioural outcomes of sustaining TBIs, the high prevalence rates of TBI in offending populations is not surprising (Perron & Howard, 2008; Slaughter, Fann, & Ehde, 2003; Turkstra, Jones, & Toler, 2003; Williams et al., 2010). In this study, I investigate the prevalence of TBI in an offending population and the overlap between offending behaviour and outcomes of sustaining TBIs