RT Article T1 “There Is No One Way to Get Over It”: An Examination of Psychotherapy and Complementary Therapy Use Within a Sample of Survivors Who Experienced Sexual Violence JF Violence against women VO 29 IS 14 SP 2941 OP 2963 A1 Weingarten, Christine A. A2 Baker, Charlene K. A2 Einolf, Christopher J. 1969- LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1862623384 AB Literature on sexual violence survivors' service utilization is limited due to examination of singular therapies or narrow timeframes. Using surveys (n = 303) and interviews (n = 20), this study increases understanding of survivors' healing. Results show varied therapy use including psychotherapy (76.9%), yoga (50.2%), and massage (32.1%), among others. Mean number of therapies used was over three. Service utilization was delayed over a decade on average. Latent class analysis divided respondents into classes: psychotherapy and bodywork use (42.66%), high therapy use (9.14%), and minimal therapy use (48.20%). Interviews provide additional insight and describe barriers. Recommendations for policy, practice, and future research are discussed. K1 Complementary Therapies K1 service utilization K1 Sexual Assault K1 Rape DO 10.1177/10778012231196053