RT Article T1 Responding to coercive control in criminal justice domestic violence perpetrator programmes in England and Wales: Conceptual, operational, and methodological complexities JF Probation journal VO 70 IS 3 SP 242 OP 260 A1 Renehan, Nicole LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1862623244 AB Evaluations of domestic violence perpetrator programmes have not produced evidence that they are as effective at reducing male, non-violent, coercively controlling behaviours. This article proposes such limitations are understood by adopting a more complex conceptualisation of coercive control for which the reasons are both gendered and biographically unique. Drawing on document analyses and in-depth interviews with eight programme facilitators and an in-depth case study of one male participant, this article explores the merits and limitations of the cognitive behavioural, skills-based criminal justice programme, Building Better Relationships, in addressing coercively controlling behaviours. The dual (re)conceptualisation of coercive control proposed has implications for both practice and programme evaluation methods. K1 Evaluation K1 Methods K1 cognitive behavioural therapy K1 Emotions K1 Gender K1 domestic violence perpetrator programmes K1 Building Better Relationships K1 Domestic abuse K1 Coercive Control DO 10.1177/02645505221141952