RT Article T1 Transformative Social Responses to Domestic, Family, and Sexualized Violence: A Qualitative Exploration of Insight Exchange, a Victim-Survivor-Centered Initiative Informed by Response-Based Practice JF Violence against women VO 29 IS 12/13 SP 2569 OP 2598 A1 Funston, Leticia A2 Krayem, Ghena A2 Shackel, Rita LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1860121012 AB This article reports on a qualitative study exploring victim-survivors’ and social responders’ experiences of Insight Exchange, an Australian-based victim-survivor-centered initiative informed by the center for response-based practice. This study involved 51 participants who completed an online survey (N = 43 social responders, N = 8 victim-survivors) and 16 participants (N = 12 social responders, N = 4 victim-survivors) who participated in semistructured interviews. The findings indicate that Insight Exchange has supported social responders to improve the quality of their responses to victim-survivors of violence. Victim-survivors reported on the value of Insight Exchange, which emphasized their resistance and responses to violence and abuse. K1 social responses K1 Family Violence K1 Domestic Violence K1 Response-Based Practice K1 victim-survivor lived expertise DO 10.1177/10778012231186812