RT Article T1 Memory activism as advocacy for transitional justice: memory laws, mass graves and impunity in Spain JF International journal of transitional justice VO 17 IS 2 SP 268 OP 285 A1 Hepworth, Andrea LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1860046681 AB Transitional justice in Spain is still an ongoing process. This article examines the impact of memory laws and the rise of the radical right on transitional justice measures and the historical memory movement in Spain. It contends that the continued application of the 46/1977 Amnesty Law and the campaigning by radical right party Vox to repeal memory laws left a legal vacuum that precipitated interventions by memory activist groups. It is argued that these protest actions are a form of advocacy for participatory transitional justice. The article first focuses on Andalusia’s 2017 memory law and the rise of Vox in the region. Subsequently, it examines the effect of the state’s Democratic Memory Law (2022) on memory and justice measures and argues that both bottom-up approaches by civil society organizations and top-down measures by state actors are essential to transform Spain into a society anchored in the five pillars of transitional justice. K1 Amnesty law K1 Illiberal memory politics K1 Memory activism K1 Memory laws K1 Spain DO 10.1093/ijtj/ijad017