RT Book RT Statistics T1 Juveniles incarcerated in U.S. adult jails and prisons, 2002-2021 T2 Just the stats A1 Zeng, Zhen A2 Carson, E. Ann A2 Kluckow, Rich LA English PP Washington, DC PB Bureau of Justice Statistics UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1859792022 AB This web report presents data on juveniles (persons age 17 or younger) who are held in adult correctional facilities. It shows changes in the number of juveniles held in adult prisons and jails between 2002 and 2021. It also provides data on juveniles by sex and by whether they were held in federal prisons, state prisons, or local jails. K1 Gefängnis K1 Strafvollzug K1 Statistik K1 Usa K1 Statistik : 2002-2021 : USA