RT Article T1 Reentry within the carceral: Foucault, race and prisoner reentry JF Critical criminology VO 21 IS 4 SP 493 OP 508 A1 Martin, Liam LA English YR 2013 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1859570402 AB Early research on prisoner reentry was largely practical and applied, oriented to policymakers responding to the myriad challenges presented by having millions of people leaving prisons and jails each year. More recently, scholars have drawn on critical theoretical frameworks to reformulate the problem as bound up with large-scale shifts in the nature of social control (Wacquant in Dialect Anthropol 34(4):605-620, 2010a), deep racial divisions (Nixon et al. in Race/Ethnicity: Multidiscip Glob Contexts 2(1):21-43, 2008), and transformations of the United States political economy (Hallett in Crit Criminol. doi:10.1007/s10612-011-9138-8, 2011). This paper continues the work of theoretical elaboration through two avenues: (1) examining the contribution that Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish can make to the conceptual development of reentry scholarship, and (2) reworking Foucauldian concepts and themes important to the study of reentry to account for their racialized characteristics. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 505-508 K1 Corporal Punishment K1 Criminal Record K1 Mass Incarceration K1 Racial Identity K1 Racial Profile DO 10.1007/s10612-013-9196-1