RT Article T1 Narco-violence, forced displacement, and sex trafficking: a qualitative study in Mexico JF Global crime VO 22 IS 3 SP 205 OP 221 A1 Acharya, Arun Kumar A2 Clark, Jenny Bryson LA English YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1859500544 AB During the last decade, over 160,000 people were forcibly displaced internally because of narco-violence in Mexico. Displaced families suffer social and economic vulnerabilities that make them easy prey for trafficking and exploitation. This paper analyses the association between forced displacement caused by narco-violence and trafficking of women and girls for sexual exploitation in Mexico. We gathered data from 16 victims of forced displacement and trafficking in Monterrey, Mexico. The findings show that traffickers use different tricks and promises to trap displaced young girls and women, including orphans, children, and widows, and force them into sexual exploitation. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 217-221 K1 Mexico K1 forced displacement and sex trafficking K1 narco violence DO 10.1080/17440572.2021.1915142