RT Article T1 Crime script analysis of drug importation into Australia facilitated by the dark net JF Global crime VO 24 IS 3 SP 169 OP 194 A1 Morgenthaler, Elena A2 Leclerc, Benoit LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1859461212 AB A growing facilitator of drug trafficking are dark net markets, which enable transactions between sellers and buyers of illicit drugs around the world. This study aimed to develop a crime script for drug importation into Australia and identify potential crime prevention points within the crime script. To achieve this, a content analysis of 18 Australian court sentencing transcripts was conducted. The final crime script consisted of five general steps taken by offenders (preparation, access, purchasing, receiving and storage) followed by three script tracks based on the purpose of importation (selling on the dark net domestically, selling offline and personal use). This study will contribute to the current knowledge of the crime commission process of buyers on the dark net by focusing on online and offline steps, and the importation in the Australian context. Through these insights, this study will conclude by looking at potential specific and tailored crime prevention measures. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 190-193 K1 Cryptomarket K1 Crime Prevention K1 crime script analysis K1 dark net K1 drug importation K1 Drug trafficking DO 10.1080/17440572.2023.2212592