RT Article T1 Estimating the heritability of experiencing child maltreatment in an extended family design JF Child maltreatment VO 25 IS 3 SP 289 OP 299 A1 Pittner, Katharina A2 Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marian J. 1965- A2 Alink, Lenneke R. A. A2 Buisman, Renate S. M. A2 van den Berg, Lisa J. M. A2 Block, Laura H. C. G. C. Compier-de A2 Voorthuis, Alexandra A2 Elzinga, Bernet M. A2 Lindenberg, Jolanda 1982- A2 Tollenaar, Marieke S. A2 Linting, Mariëlle A2 Diego, Vincent P. A2 IJzendoorn, Marinus H. van 1952- LA English YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1859297234 AB Child-driven genetic factors can contribute to negative parenting and may increase the risk of being maltreated. Experiencing childhood maltreatment may be partly heritable, but results of twin studies are mixed. In the current study, we used a cross-sectional extended family design to estimate genetic and environmental effects on experiencing child maltreatment. The sample consisted of 395 individuals (225 women; M age = 38.85 years, rangeage = 7-88 years) from 63 families with two or three participating generations. Participants were oversampled for experienced maltreatment. Self-reported experienced child maltreatment was measured using a questionnaire assessing physical and emotional abuse, and physical and emotional neglect. All maltreatment phenotypes were partly heritable with percentages for h 2 ranging from 30% (SE = 13%) for neglect to 62% (SE = 19%) for severe physical abuse. Common environmental effects (c 2) explained a statistically significant proportion of variance for all phenotypes except for the experience of severe physical abuse (c 2 = 9%, SE = 13%, p = .26). The genetic correlation between abuse and neglect was ρg = .73 (p = .02). Common environmental variance increased as socioeconomic status (SES) decreased (p = .05), but additive genetic and unique environmental variances were constant across different levels of SES. NO Literaturverzeichnis K1 child maltreatment K1 Genetics K1 Etiology K1 Families K1 Risk Factors K1 Self-report DO 10.1177/1077559519888587