RT Article T1 "Knuckle-Dragging Thugs": civilizing processes and the biosocial revolution in the National Hockey League JF Crime, media, culture VO 17 IS 1 SP 105 OP 126 A1 Kennedy, Liam A2 Silva, Derek M. D. LA English YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/185651031X AB In this article, we advocate for the development of a critical criminology of sport. To this end, we analyze news media coverage of a sample of National Hockey League suspensions to explore how the sporting world disseminates cultural messages about crime and punishment. Our analysis reveals that athlete "offenders" are likened to Lombrosian evolutionary throwbacks whose brutal on-ice violence recalls a less civilized past. Images of blood spilled on the ice and bodies carried away on stretchers shock our sensibilities. We argue that, as the arbiter of supplemental discipline, the National Hockey League regulates the bodies under its control and aims to signify that hockey and its fans are encapsulated in what Elias famously calls civilizing processes rather than mere barbaric sporting games. We situate these findings in the reemergence of a bio(social) criminology and express concerns regarding the spread of this rhetoric. K1 Biosocial Criminology K1 civilizing processes K1 Sport K1 Violence K1 Visual Criminology DO 10.1177/1741659019883773