RT Article T1 Attorney fraud in the law firm: a case study of crime convenience theory and crime signal detection theory JF Deviant behavior VO 44 IS 4 SP 591 OP 602 A1 Asting, Cecilie A2 Gottschalk, Petter 1950- LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/185630308X AB This article starts with a brief review of law firm business. Next, crime convenience theory is applied to the case by identifying relevant convenience themes for financial motive, organizational opportunity, and personal willingness. Then, a brief application of crime signal detection theory is presented. In the discussion, governance in the form of restrictions based on convenience theory is discussed. Prevention and detection of wrongdoing is at the core of governance to secure compliance with laws, regulations, rules, and guidelines. The lack of transparency among stakeholders in the case of the law firm is detrimental to governance. The discourse and rituals of transparency, account-giving, and verification are central to governance. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 599-602 K1 Kriminalitätstheorie K1 Anwalt K1 Prävention K1 Aufklärung DO 10.1080/01639625.2022.2071657