RT Article T1 Resilience of a corrupt police network: the first and second jokes in Queensland JF Crime, law and social change VO 57 IS 2 SP 195 OP 207 A1 Lauchs, Mark A2 Keast, Robyn A2 Chamberlain, Daniel LA English YR 2012 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1854628011 AB Resilient organised crime groups survive and prosper despite law enforcement activity, criminal competition and market forces. Corrupt police networks, like any other crime network, must contain resiliency characteristics if they are to continue operation and avoid being closed down through detection and arrest of their members. This paper examines the resilience of a large corrupt police network, namely The Joke which operated in the Australian state of Queensland for a number of decades. The paper uses social network analysis tools to determine the resilient characteristics of the network. This paper also assumes that these characteristics will be different to those of mainstream organised crime groups because the police network operates within an established policing agency rather than as an independent entity hiding within the broader community. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 207 K1 Average Path Length K1 Corrupt Activity K1 Police Commissioner K1 Police Officer K1 Social Network Analysis DO 10.1007/s10611-011-9337-y