RT Book T1 Violence in families: integrating research into practice T2 Advances in preventing and treating violence and aggression A2 Sturmey, Peter 1959- LA English PP Cham PB Springer YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1853529397 AB This book examines the nature, prevention, and treatment of violence within families. It reviews the definition of contemporary families, emphasizing various structures, including nuclear families, reconstituted families, gay and lesbian families, and recent immigrant families. In addition, the volume describes the nature of and risk factors for family violence from the perspectives of both victims (e.g., infants, children, seniors) and perpetrators (e.g., adolescent family members, women). It identifies the implications and explores strategies for prevention, treatment, and services. In addition, the volume directly addresses practice and evidence-based interventions for individual perpetrators, family interventions, interventions for victims and systemwide interventions (e.g., those involving the courts, police, and national policy). Chapters review the best available quality evidence from randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, research syntheses, and evidence-based recommendations from expert panels and government agencies. Case studies illustrate the application of evidence-based practice to violence within the family to demonstrate the effectiveness of the intervention. Topics featured in this book include: Definition and conceptualization of family.Definition and measurement of as well as risk factors for family violence.Family violence in various traditional and nontraditional families.Prevention strategies as well as Individual and family treatments for perpetrators and victims of family violence.Social policy and legal interventions for family violence. Violence in Families is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other professionals in developmental psychology, family studies, forensic psychology, criminology/criminal justice, public health, psychotherapy/counseling, psychiatry, social work, educational policy and politics, health psychology, nursing, and behavioral therapy/rehabilitation CN 362.8292 SN 9783031315480 K1 Central government policies K1 Child & developmental psychology K1 Clinical Psychology K1 Criminal or forensic psychology K1 Entwicklungspsychologie K1 Jugendkriminalität K1 Juvenile Offenders K1 Klinische Psychologie K1 Kriminalpsychologie, forensische Psychologie K1 MEDICAL / Public Health K1 POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Policy K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Clinical Psychology K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Developmental / General K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Forensic Psychology K1 Politik der National- Zentral- oder Bundesregierung K1 Public Health und Präventivmedizin K1 Public health & preventive medicine K1 Social Science / Criminology K1 Sozialwesen und soziale Dienste K1 Häusliche Gewalt : Familie : Kriminalität : Bekämpfung : Prävention : Polizei : Gericht : Therapie