RT Image RT Photo T1 Social disorganization theory T2 CrimComics JF CrimComics A1 Gehring, Krista S. A2 Batista, Michael R. A2 Wallace, Cheryl L. A2 Wilcox, Pamela 1968- LA English PP New York Oxford PB Oxford University Press YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1853082910 AB This book introduces students to sociological, community-based theories that analyze key aspects of neighborhood collectives like social disorganization, collective efficacy, and street culture in an effort to understand crime NO Includes bibliographical references CN HV6030 SN 9780190207175 K1 Crime : Sociological aspects : Comic books, strips, etc K1 Criminology : Comic books, strips, etc K1 Criminalité - Aspect sociologique - Bandes dessinées K1 Criminologie - Bandes dessinées K1 Crime - Sociological aspects K1 Criminology K1 Comics (Graphic works) K1 Graphic Novels K1 Bandes dessinées K1 Gesellschaft : Nachbarschaft : Armut : Soziale Ungleichheit : Verbrechen