RT Book T1 The Routledge companion to gender, media and violence T2 Routledge companions to gender A2 Boyle, Karen 1972- A2 Berridge, Susan LA English PP London New York PB Routledge YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1852985526 AB "With heated discussion around Metoo, journalistic reporting on domestic violence, and the popularity of true crime documentary, gendered media discourse around violence and harassment has never been more prominent. The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media, and Violence is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this important subject and is the first collection on media and violence to take a gendered approach. Comprising over 50 chapters by a team of diverse, interdisciplinary and international contributors, the book is structured around the following parts: News, Representing Reality, Gender-based Violence Online, Feminist Responses Through these sections a huge range of topics is covered, including: whiteness and gender-based violence, media narratives of domestic abuse during COVID-19, Black Masculinity and domestic violence in the news, media framing of sexual violence against LGBTQ people, human rights documentary and feminism, gender and violence in true crime podcasts, rape and pornography, online misogyny, feminism as 'bias', working towards responsible reporting, using trigger warnings, digital feminist activism. The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence is essential reading for students and researchers in Gender Studies, Media Studies, Sociology, and Criminology"-- NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN P96.V5 SN 9781032061368 SN 9781032061382 K1 Violence in mass media K1 Violence : Sex differences K1 Sex role in mass media K1 Women in mass media K1 Women : Violence against K1 Feminism and mass media K1 Essays K1 Medien : Geschlechterrolle : Gewalt : Frau : Häusliche Gewalt : Sexualisierte Gewalt : Kindesmisshandlung : Internet : MeToo