RT Article T1 Dropout among perpetrators of intimate partner violence attending an intervention program JF Psychology, crime & law VO 29 IS 6 SP 634 OP 652 A1 Cunha, Olga A2 Silva, Andreia A2 Cruz, Ana Rita A2 de Castro Rodrigues, Andreia A2 Braga, Teresa A2 Gonçalves, Rui Abrunhosa LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1852047356 AB Batterer intervention programs (BIPs) are some of the most relevant strategies to reduce intimate partner violence (IPV). However, the rate of dropout is significantly high, which may impact the effectiveness of such strategies. Literature has identified several factors associated with BIPs’ dropout; nonetheless findings remain inconsistent. Thus, the aims of this study were to analyse the differences between perpetrators who completed the program and those who droped out, in terms of sociodemographic, violence-related and intrapersonal variables, as well as identify the predictors of dropout. Eighty-three IPV perpetrators completed a set of measures that assessed attitudes toward domestic violence, physical and psychological abuse of a partner, aggression, coping skills, and readiness to change. Variables related to past criminal history and sociodemographics were also colletected. 42.2% of IPV perpetrators failed to complete the intervention program. The results revealed that age and previous convictions by other crimes than IPV discriminated perpetrators who completed the program from those who droped out, such that, being young and having a previous conviction predicted dropout. These findings reveal a need to further analyse the impact of these factors so BIPs can be tailored to meet the specificities of IPV perpetrators and prevent treatment dropout. K1 preditors K1 Perpetrators K1 Intimate Partner Violence K1 Dropout K1 Batterer intervention programs DO 10.1080/1068316X.2022.2030337