RT Article T1 Tentativa analítica sobre o contrabando = An attempt at an analysis of smuggling JF Revista Eletrônica de Direito Penal e Política Criminal VO 8 IS 1 SP 217 OP 221 A1 Nunes, Diego A2 Cardoso, Luiz Eduardo Dias LA Portuguese YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1851389903 AB This small essay was published by Cesare Beccaria in the periodical Il Caffé, where the Milanese illuminists of the Società dei Pugni used to publish their works in the eighteenth century. In this article, written in 1764 - when "On Crimes and Punishments" was published -, Beccaria sets forth an economic analysis of the smuggling issue. The author joints elements such as taxes, the value of the smuggled goods and the Treasury’s surveillance intensity. The author formulates a theorem which, from those elements, allows the public policy officers to know how much smuggling should be expected from the merchants. K1 Cesare Beccaria K1 análise econômica K1 contrabando K1 punições K1 tributos K1 Smuggling K1 punishments K1 Taxes K1 economic analysi