RT Article T1 Municipal Police in Austria: history, Status Quo, and Future JF SIAK-Journal VO 10 IS 4 SP 51 OP 62 A1 Wenda, Gregor 1976- LA English YR 2013 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1850926735 AB Aside from the nation-wide corps of the Federal Police, municipal police services ("Gemeindesicherheitswachen") constitute a relevant pillar of law enforcement in Austria. Even though the number of forces has shrunk over the past decades, there are still 37 agencies in six out of nine provinces. Most of Austria's major cities, including the Capital of Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg or Innsbruck, are secured by the Federal Police. According to the Federal Constitution, municipal police departments must not be established in a city with a Federal Police authority. Municipal police agencies are mostly found in "medium sized" cities or smaller towns and villages. Each municipal police service has between one and 45 employees and varies in terms of organization, equipment, competencies, and availability. K1 federal police K1 municipal police DO 10.7396/2013_4_E