RT Article T1 An Exploratory Investigation Into Women's Experience of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace JF Violence against women VO 29 IS 9 SP 1853 OP 1873 A1 Spiliopoulou, Ashleigh A2 Witcomb, Gemma L. LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1850867151 AB The recent surge in online movements challenging the culture of silence surrounding sexual harassment has created new spaces for women to share their stories. This research employed a qualitative, exploratory design to study 199 comments on a public online community forum: “What's The Wildest Thing That Happened To You As A Working Woman?”. Inductive thematic analysis was performed on the data which resulted in three overarching themes: “a harassment endemic,” “the (im)balance of power,” and “it's in the culture”. Sexual harassment was centered as a normal part of women's workplace experience, as was lack of affirmative action from employers which increased the severity of experiences. Organizations must commit to challenging the structures and individuals that perpetuate unsafe working conditions for women. K1 Online K1 Thematic Analysis K1 Gender K1 Harassment DO 10.1177/10778012221114921