RT Book
T1 Unpacking race in the American jury system: cases, readings, and perspectives
A1 Lawson Mack, Raneta 1963-
LA English
PP Durham, North Carolina
PB Carolina Academic Press
YR 2023
UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1848027915
AB "This casebook explores how the idealistic notion of a 'jury of one's peers' in the American criminal justice system was historically subverted to promote the ends of racism and oppression, a pattern and practice that continues in modern times. Beginning with the history of the jury trial process and continuing through the development of race-based exclusionary practices, such as carefully crafted jury lists and peremptory challenges, the book unpacks and critically examines how and why these racially biased processes became entrenched in the criminal justice system."--Publisher description
CN KF9680
SN 9781531024062
K1 Jury : United States
K1 Discrimination in criminal justice administration : United States
K1 Casebooks (Law)
K1 USA : Rassismus : Geschworenengericht : Strafjustiz