RT Book T1 Handbook of mental health assessment and treatment in jails A2 Barber Rioja, Virginia A2 Garcia-Mansilla, Alexandra A2 Subedi, Bipin A2 Batastini, Ashley B. LA English PP New York, NY PB Oxford University Press YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1847817521 AB "Few places are more chaotic than jail. For incarcerated individuals and staff alike, the volatility of the jail environment is based in large part on its status as a temporary institution. Unlike prisons, where all incarcerated individuals have been convicted of a crime and are serving long sentences (typically of more than a year), jails overwhelmingly house individuals who are waiting a disposition to their court case (approximately 74%; Sawyer & Wagner, 2020); a minority of jailed individuals are also serving sentences under a year for minor offenses. While a jail is a temporary holding area for persons awaiting adjudication, temporary can mean days or years depending on factors often outside the control of the jailed person. In jails, people charged with violent felonies are often housed alongside citizens arrested for minor crimes as they all await a disposition to their case. Unlike in prison, where incarcerated individuals know the outcome of their case and sentence length, in jail these are unknowns"-- NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV8756 SN 9780197524794 K1 Jails K1 Prisoners : Mental health services K1 Justizvollzugsanstalt : Straffälliger : Weibliche Gefangene : Jugendlicher Strafgefangener : Psychische Störung : Psychische Krise : Geistige Behinderung : Trauma : Suizid : Suizidverhütung : Psychopharmakologie DO 10.1093/oso/9780197524794.001.0001