RT Book T1 Crime mapping and spatial data analysis using R T2 Chapman & Hall/CRC statistics in the social and behavioral sciences series A1 Medina Ariza, Juan José A2 Solymosi, Reka LA English PP Boca Raton London New York PB CRC Press YR 2023 ED First edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1844447162 NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN 363.25 SN 9780367724696 SN 9780367724597 K1 Crime analysis K1 Criminology : Environmental aspects K1 Spatial analysis (Statistics) K1 Kriminalität : Verbrechen : Räumliche Statistik : Analyse : Geografie : Programm DO 10.1201/9781003154914