RT Book T1 An Introduction to the science of deception and lie detection A1 Street, Chris N. H. LA English PP London NewYork PB Routledge YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/184396368X AB * A comprehensive guide to the science of deception and its detection. * Covers the latest updates in the field, such as current lie-detection theories and research into unconscious lie detection. * Highlights the role of theoretical developments for our understanding of deception. * Written to be accessible to students of all levels on cognitive, forensic, and investigative psychology courses. * Each chapter includes excercise solutions to aid instruction and facilitate learning. * Synthesises the theoretical approaches to understanding human lie detection CN 363.254 SN 9780367492434 SN 9780367492441 K1 Verbrechen und Kriminologie (Kriminalistik) K1 Cognition & cognitive psychology K1 Crime & criminology K1 Kognitive Psychologie K1 LAN009040 K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Cognitive Psychology K1 Psycholinguistics K1 Psycholinguistik und Kognitive Linguistik K1 Social Science / Criminology K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Social Psychology K1 philosophy of language K1 PHI038000 K1 Gesellschaft und Kultur, allgemein K1 Psychological theory & schools of thought K1 Psychologie: Theorien und Denkschulen K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Movements / General K1 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General K1 Social, group or collective psychology K1 Society & culture: general K1 Sozialpsychologie K1 Sprachphilosophie K1 Kognitive Psychologie : Lüge : Lügendetektor : Täuschung : Wahrnehmung DO 10.4324/9781003045298