RT Article T1 The European survey of probation staff’s knowledge of, and attitudes to, mental illness JF European journal of probation VO 15 IS 1 SP 71 OP 90 A1 Brooker, Charlie 1971- A2 Tocque, Karen LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1841010987 AB There is a high prevalence of mental health disorders on probation staffs' caseloads. Approximately 40% of all clients will have a mental health disorder often compounded by drug or alcohol problems. It is therefore important that a probation officer can recognise mental illness and refer to the appropriate local agency. It is therefore important to know how much probation staff understand about mental illness. The Mental Health Literacy Scale (MHLS) was distributed to probation staff in all countries registered as members of the Confederation of Europe. In this paper, overall average scores for the MHLS for each country are presented. Factors which help to explain the variation in scores are also examined such a caseload size and gender of staff member. The results are discussed within the context of a possible European curriculum for probation training. Probation (CEP) organisation. K1 attutudes K1 Probation K1 Europe K1 knowldege K1 Mental Illness DO 10.1177/20662203231162741