RT Article T1 Testing the job demands-resources model for Indian correctional staff job satisfaction JF International journal of law, crime and justice VO 72 A1 Qureshi, Hanif A2 Lambert, Eric G. A2 Holbrook, Mia Abboud A2 Frank, James A2 Hines, Chelsea A2 Thakur, Monika LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/184015103X AB The job satisfaction of staff is vital for the effective functioning of any organization. Many studies have been conducted that examine the job satisfaction of correctional officers, though mostly in Western nations. To examine job satisfaction in a cross-cultural setting, this study uses survey data from a sample of 163 correctional officers in a prison in the State of Haryana, India. We examine how job demands (perceived dangerousness of the job and role overload) and job resources (instrumental communication, job autonomy, quality supervision, and job variety) affect job satisfaction. The results indicate that all four job resource variables had significant positive associations with job satisfaction, while neither job demand variable was significantly related to job satisfaction. The implications of the study for policy are also discussed. K1 Correctional Staff K1 India K1 Job demands-resources model K1 Job satisfaction DO 10.1016/j.ijlcj.2022.100564