RT Article T1 Stumbling from One Disaster to Another: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health Calls for Police Service across Canada JF Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice VO 64 IS 4 SP 1 OP 20 A1 Andresen, Martin 1977- A2 Hodgkinson, Tarah LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1839600284 AB The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on crime in Canada and internationally. However, less is known about the impact of the pandemic on police-reported mental-health-related incidents. We explore three types of mental-health-related incidents (suicide and suicide attempts, Mental Health Act apprehensions, and mental health [other]) against property and violent crimes, across 13 police jurisdictions in Canada. Despite an international decline in most crime types during COVID-19, we find general stability across police-reported mental-health-related incidents. These findings suggest that the change in social behaviour that reduced opportunities for crime did not have a similar effect on mental-health-related incidents. It also suggests that calls for increased police budgets to respond to expected increases in mental-health-related incidents may be unjustified. K1 Covid-19 K1 Canada K1 Crime K1 Mental Health K1 Police K1 santé mentale DO 10.3138/cjccj.2022-0016