RT Article T1 The Material of Policing: Budgets, Personnel and the United States’ Misdemeanour Arrest Decline JF The British journal of criminology VO 63 IS 2 SP 330 OP 347 A1 Beck, Brenden A2 Holder, Eaven A2 Novak, Abigail A2 Kaplan, Jacob LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/183959537X AB What accounts for the steady decline in misdemeanour arrest rates in the United States following their peak in the mid-1990s? This article links the fluctuation in low-level law enforcement to changes in the budget and staffing resources cities devoted to policing. This materialist explanation contrasts with accounts that emphasize policy changes like the adoption of community policing. Dynamic panel regression analyses of 940 municipalities indicate low-level arrest rates declined most in places that reduced their police expenditure and personnel, net of crime and other controls. The adoption of community policing was unrelated to misdemeanour arrests. Findings suggest lawmakers should consider how increasing police budgets or police force sizes will likely be accompanied by increases in misdemeanour arrests and their attendant harms. DO 10.1093/bjc/azac005