RT Article T1 Mothers, Domestic Violence, and Child Protection: The UK Response JF Violence against women VO 29 IS 3/4 SP 626 OP 647 A1 Stewart, Stacey A2 Arnull, Elaine LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1835662676 AB Research highlights that mothers are often blamed for their child's exposure to domestic abuse and they are given a leave ultimatum. This article furthers discussion, guided by the question “how do (UK) mothers with violent partners experience social work interventions?” Nineteen mothers located around England and Wales were interviewed. Data were analyzed using deductive thematic analysis. The findings resonate with research from a decade earlier showing mothers felt blamed and were responsibilized for the violence they experienced and given the leave ultimatum by social workers. This article calls for a change in social work practice for mothers experiencing domestic abuse. K1 Domestic abuse K1 Child Protection K1 Social Work DO 10.1177/10778012221097141