RT Book T1 Juvenile justice anger management (JJAM) treatment for girls: facilitator guide and participant materials T2 Programs that work A2 Goldstein, Naomi E.S. A2 Serico, Jennifer M. A2 Haney-Caron, Emily A2 Giallella, Christy A2 Kalbeitzer, Rachel A2 Zelechoski, Amanda D. A2 Romaine, Christina L. Riggs A2 Kemp, Kathleen LA English PP New York, NY PB Oxford University Press YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1832137775 AB "The Juvenile Justice Anger Management (JJAM) Treatment for Girls is an anger management and aggression reduction treatment designed for adolescent girls and young women placed in residential juvenile justice facilities. The treatment program is an 8-week, cognitive-behavioral group intervention that consists of 16 sessions of 90 minutes each"-- NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN BF575.A5 SN 9780197609286 K1 Anger K1 Girls : Psychology K1 Girls : Mental health K1 Girls : Rehabilitation K1 Juvenile justice, Administration of K1 Conflict Management K1 Jugendstrafanstalt : Jugendliche Täterin : Aggression : Wut : Selbstkontrolle : Zwischenmenschliche Beziehung DO 10.1093/med-psych/9780197609286.001.0001