RT Article T1 A Global Lethal Force Monitor: Comparative Opportunities and Challenges JF Homicide studies VO 27 IS 1 SP 187 OP 203 A1 Rappert, Brian 1972- A2 Adang, Otto 1956- A2 De Paepe, Jasper A2 Dymond, Abi A2 Easton, Marleen 1969- A2 Probert, Thomas LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1831110547 AB Comparison across jurisdictions is one way of assessing the appropriateness of lethal force resulting from the actions of law enforcement agencies. This article sets out a vision for a global use of force monitor that can enable meaningful comparisons between law enforcement agencies. It examines some of the opportunities and challenges associated with developing such a monitor in relation to (i) the legal frameworks in place governing use of lethal force; (ii) how official state agencies record and respond to deaths; and (iii) the contexts for the use of lethal force. K1 Comparison K1 Data K1 Accountability K1 law enforcement agencies K1 Lethal force DO 10.1177/10887679221121146