RT Article T1 Self-governing prisons: Prison gangs in an international perspective JF Trends in organized crime VO 25 IS 4 SP 1 OP 16 A1 Butler, Michelle A2 Slade, Gavin 1980- A2 Dias, Camila Nunes LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1830128027 AB This paper finds qualified support for the use of Skarbek’s (2011, 2014) governance theory to understand the emergence of prison gang-like groups in Kyrgyzstan, Northern Ireland and Brazil. However, Skarbek’s (2011, 2014) governance theory has little to say about how many prison gangs emerge and how they organise comparatively outside the US context. This paper argues that variation in the number of gangs and their monopolization of informal governance can only be explained by considering importation and deprivation theories alongside governance theories. These theories factor in variation in prison environments and pre-existing societal divisions imported into prison, which affect the costs on information transmission and incentives for gang expansion. In particular, the paper pays attention to the wider role social and political processes play in influencing whether monopoly power by prison gangs is supported and legitimized or not. K1 Gang Consolidation K1 Monopoly Power K1 Prison governance K1 Kyrgyzstan K1 Northern Ireland K1 Brazil K1 Prison gangs DO 10.1007/s12117-018-9338-7