RT Article T1 Do Prisoners With Reintegration Needs Receive Relevant Professional Assistance? JF International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology VO 67 IS 2/3 SP 247 OP 269 A1 Pasma, Amanda A2 van Ginneken, Esther F. J. C. A2 Palmen, Hanneke A2 Nieuwbeerta, Paul 1964- LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1830086448 AB Ex-prisoners often experience barriers to successful transition regarding employment, finances, housing, healthcare, and valid identification. Based on the Offender Management framework, assistance during imprisonment by prison- and community-based professionals is considered key in preparing prisoners for release regarding these reintegration needs. Therefore, the current study examines the degree to which prisoners with reintegration needs are assisted by relevant professionals. We used self-reported data from 4,309 prisoners of the Dutch Prison Visitation Study, part of the Life in Custody Study. The results showed that prisoners have more contact with prison-based than with community-based professionals, but that the latter relatively often have contact with prisoners with related reintegration needs. Yet, a specific group of prisoners with reintegration needs remains invisible. Prisoners with complex, health, or valid identification needs, and prisoners in the start or pre-release phase require further attention. It is discussed what can be learned from these findings on Dutch Offender Management practices. K1 Support K1 professional assistance K1 Reintegration K1 Needs K1 Reentry K1 Prison DO 10.1177/0306624X221086554