RT Book T1 Teaching criminology and criminal justice: challenges for higher education A2 Young, Suzanne A2 Strudwick, Katie LA English PP Cham PB Palgrave Macmillan YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1826763937 CN 364.0711 SN 9783031148989 K1 Criminology : Study and teaching (Higher) K1 Criminal justice, Administration of : Study and teaching (Higher) K1 Crime : Study and teaching (Higher) K1 Criminal justice, Administration of - Study and teaching (Higher) K1 Criminology - Study and teaching (Higher) K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Hochschulbildung : Didaktik : Lehre : Kriminologie : Strafrechtspflege