RT Article T1 Testing the job demands-resources model for organizational commitment among Indian correctional officers JF Criminal justice studies VO 35 IS 4 SP 403 OP 422 A1 Lambert, Eric G. A2 Qureshi, Hanif A2 Holbrook, Mia Abboud A2 Frank, James A2 Hines, Chelsea LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1823691080 AB Correctional institutions are manpower-intensive organizations, and organizational commitment is important for their successful functioning. This study uses the job demands model to examine effect of workplace variables on organizational commitment. Using a sample of 163 correctional officers from a prison in Haryana State, India, we find that job demands (fear of being hurt and work and role overload) have no significant effect of organizational commitment. All four components of job resources (instrumental communication, job autonomy, quality of supervision, and job variety) were found to be positively and significantly associated with organizational commitment. The study highlights the importance of adequate knowledge of job resources in trying to raise the affective commitment of correctional officers. K1 Prison staff K1 India K1 Organizational Commitment K1 Correctional Staff K1 Job demands-resources model DO 10.1080/1478601X.2022.2115487