RT Book T1 Israel's targeted killing policy: moral, ethical & operational dilemmas A1 Ganor, Boaz A2 Koblentz-Stenzler, Liram LA English PP Cham PB Palgrave Macmillan YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1820339726 AB Chapter 1. Overview - The use of targeted killing within Israel’s counter-terrorism policy over the years, its goals, characteristics and evolution in Israel -- Chapter 2. Potential Cost of Targeted Killing as a Counter-terrorism Strategy - Does Targeted Killing Trigger a Retaliatory "Boomerang Attack" -- Chapter 3.The death penalty – can a government act as a judge and an executioner? -- Chapter 4. The intelligence component of targeted killing – how does one prevent lethal mistakes? -- Chapter 5. The distinction principle of targeted killing – does a targeted killing of a terrorist means a deliberate hit on a combatant or a civilian? -- Chapter 6. The proportionality principle of targeted killing – Is a targeted killing really targeted? -- Chapter 7. The identity of the target – is there a justification to hit the political level of a terrorist organization or just its operational level? -- Chapter 8. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations. AB The book explores the main moral, ethical and operational dilemmas of targeted killings from an Israeli perspective. Even though many countries contending with terrorism have adopted this tool (either overtly or covertly) within the arsenal used in implementing their counter-terrorism policies, it seems that Israel, as one of the world's leading practitioner of targeted killing in its counter-terrorism effort, constitutes the most appropriate case study for reviewing implications and dilemmas associated with this practice. Each chapter will present a different ethical–moral–operational dilemma emanating from a deployment of a targeted killing. The analysis of Israeli considerations and solutions to these dilemmas is built around interviews with Israeli decision-makers, former senior security officials and other experts. The chapters also cover public opinion polls in order to highlight the views of the Israeli public vis-a-vis each dilemma. Finally, chapters will conclude with lessons learned and offer recommendations for a practical and moral solution. The final chapter then draws together universal conclusions and recommendations for the use of targeted killings. Boaz Ganor is Founder and Executive Director of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), and Ronald S. Lauder Chair for Counter-Terrorism at Reichman University in Israel. Liram Koblentz-Stenzler is a senior researcher and head of the Global Far-Right Extremism Desk at the International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University, Israel. SN 9783031136740 K1 Security, International. K1 Middle East—Politics and government. K1 International law. K1 Political ethics. K1 Terrorismus K1 Bekämpfung K1 Justizmord K1 Operation : Militär K1 Moral K1 Einflussgröße K1 Ethik K1 Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz K1 Effektivität K1 Assassinat ciblé - Aspect moral - Israël K1 Israel DO 10.1007/978-3-031-13674-0